Popular male stereotypes about women. True or false?
Stereotypes are beliefs that are formed under the influence of family, society or personal experience. The girl has been told since childhood that she should be kind, soft and accommodating. The boy is taught that he must be strong, brave and restrained. During the growing up period, children read books, watch movies and communicate with different people, all this further forms and roots gender stereotypes. Men's beliefs about women are supplemented also in adulthood, when a guy begins to build relationships with the opposite sex. The first negative experience can affect all subsequent relationships. The same thing can happen in women. Not everyone thinks in a formulaic way, but there are enough such people. Every adult and intelligent person understands that a stereotype is a framework in their own head, all people are individual and cannot be generalized. But still, sometimes we unconsciously continue to label a person without really understanding the situation. If this happens situationally, then there shouldn't be a big problem. But if stereotypical thinking is a habitual way of interacting with the opposite sex, then serious communication difficulties may arise. For example, a man is convinced that a woman is a silly creature who can't achieve anything in life, her place is in the kitchen. It will not be easy for a successful girl to build a close relationship with such a person. Serious conflict situations may arise if a man does not change his views. There can be many such examples, let's look at the most popular of them in more detail and get to the truth.
True stereotypes about women
1. Women are more multitasking. Men are often annoyed when they see a wife with a child in her arms, cooking dinner and simultaneously talking on the phone with a friend. The husband may say: «You will not do any business normally, is it really impossible to talk to a friend later?» Most women can really do several things at the same time quite efficiently. This is scientifically proven by the Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg. There are four million more cells in a man's brain than in a woman's, but women are better at multitasking. This is due to the corpus callosum, which connects the two hemispheres of the brain. In women, this part of the brain is thicker and there are 30% more connections there than in men.
2. Women are more emotional and suspicious. This is due to hormones. Girls need more outlet of emotions. For example, a wife calls her husband and complains that she has a blockage at work, she is tired, angry, offended. Her husband perceives her words as a request for help. He can advise her to take a day off, offer to help with a complex project, quit. The wife is more likely to fall into a stupor, because she likes her work, it's just that a difficult situation has developed now, and she needs to talk to a loved one. Emotional outbursts in women happen more often, and everyone learns to live them in their own way. Usually women just share their emotions, and it becomes a little easier for them.
3. Women spend more time on social networks. Most women post photos online more often, use filters and communicate online. This has been scientifically proven by Norwegian scientists who conducted social surveys among Internet users of both sexes. The experiment showed that it is true, women use the Internet more often than men to communicate. There are also male bloggers who are actively developing their sites, but there are fewer of them in percentage.
False stereotypes about women
• all women are selfish. A similar stereotype can form in a man if he has encountered mercantile girls in his life. He was offended by only one young lady, and he will assume that absolutely everyone is the same. In fact, there are selfish representatives of both sexes — gigolos who seek to live at the expense of a woman and do nothing, or girls who want to be supported. Also, self-interest should not be confused with pragmatism. For example, if a girl considers a young man as a future husband and father of her children, then the financial situation of a guy will play an important role, because a woman chooses the quality of her life. Money is not the main thing, but it is important;
• girls need less sex than guys. This is a false statement. Girls are forced to be modest, some really pretend that sex is not important to them. More often this may be due to some psychological factors: modesty, fears. Some women manipulate men by using sex as a reward for good behavior and as a punishment for insults. But not everyone does this, many girls are able to speak directly about their desires without hiding anything, and this is quite normal;
• women should do all household chores. No, no one owes anyone anything. This is not even a stereotype, but sexism. If both adults who are in a relationship work and get tired, then all household chores must be divided into two. Washing, cleaning, cooking are stereotypically considered female duties in the family, but they are gender neutral;
• girls don't drive well. There are women who understand technology and know how to drive a car better than any man. The female half behind the wheel receives fines less often, the girls adhere more to the rules of the road. But men drive a car more confidently, they can react coolly in an emergency situation. It is impossible to unequivocally answer who is better at the wheel. But men continue to laugh at female drivers;
• all girls want to get married and have children. Some men believe that every woman dreams of a magnificent wedding, a ring on her finger and children. But in the modern world, a woman strives to realize herself not only as a wife and mother, but also professionally. She has the right not to want to start a family at all. Some feel great alone;
• women love pumped-up men. It is impossible to say unequivocally that everyone likes the same thing. Someone prefers slender blondes, others like chubby brunettes. Girls are more attracted to strength of character, not appearance. An intelligent adult woman is more likely to choose a man next to whom she feels safe, giving reliability and stability, than just a handsome one;
• business is not a woman's business. Many men believe that only they are able to achieve heights professionally. This is more than a false belief. Leadership abilities do not depend on gender, they can be perfectly developed in both men and women. This is proved by politicians-women who lead countries, owners of large companies, successful doctors, restaurateurs, etc.
How to get rid of stereotypical thinking
1. Learn to put yourself in the other person's place. Let's recall the stereotype of a woman who has to do everything around the house. Ask yourself the question: would you be pleased if you, tired after work, were treated the same as you are to your wife? Develop empathy, because the ability to empathize is very important in a relationship, it helps to learn to support and care.
2. Expand your worldview. Read books, watch movies on various subjects, travel, communicate with successful people. To develop and change your mindset, you need to try something new that you haven't done before. Get out of your comfort zone, it will help to reconsider your views on life and expand the horizons of consciousness. Also develop emotional intelligence. Work on this and you will be able to better build communication with the opposite sex.
3. Get rid of imposed patterns. Understand that most of the stereotypes were unconsciously instilled in you. And even if the majority believes that a woman should stay at home and not work, this does not mean that this should be the case. Learn to respect a person as a person and to eradicate in yourself a dismissive attitude towards a woman on a subconscious level, if such is present.